Auraton website privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for the website
(effective from 01/03/2017)


The following meanings apply to the concepts used in the Privacy Policy:

  1. LARS – Andrzej Szymański running a business under the name “LARS Andrzej Szymański”, based in Niepruszewo (64-320), at ul. Świerkowa 14, NIP: 7810041997, REGON: 008271431, tel: 61 840 40 70, email:, being the owner of the Website at
  2. Privacy Policy – this document, containing information on how to collect, process and secure data provided by Users.
  3. Regulations – Regulations for the “Newsletter” service at, defining the terms and conditions of using the Website and providing the Service by LARS.
  4. Website – created by LARS and belonging to LARS internet service provided to users via the Internet, run at or at other addresses belonging to LARS.
  5. Website – means the website or websites under which LARS operates the Website, operating in the domain.
  6. Service – a service provided by LARS electronically to Users using the Website, which consists in sending electronic newsletters ordered by Users (newsletter).
  7. User – any person who in any way uses the Website or Services provided by LARS.


The Privacy Policy applies only to the Website and the Service.


  1. LARS attaches importance to respect for the privacy of Users visiting the Website and those using the Service. LARS does not seek to identify Users.
  2. The purpose of LARS is to provide protection for Users.
  3. Due to the constant development of technology and introduced changes to the Website, LARS reserves the right to adapt the Privacy Policy to the changes taking place.


  1. LARS collects data in the logs of the Website and uses them only for the purpose of administering the Website, with the reservation that, with the consent of the User, it registers the name of its email address.
  2. LARS does not provide any third party identification data to third parties, except when LARS is obliged to submit data to a legitimate request of state or local government bodies on the basis and in the manner specified by generally applicable law.


  1. The website stores http requests to the LARS server. The resources viewed are identified by url addresses. A detailed list of data stored in the web server log files includes:
    (i) the public IP address of the computer from which the query came (eg your computer);
    (ii) name of the client station – identification performed by the http protocol, if it is possible;
    (iii) the User’s name provided in the authorization process;
    (iv) the time of arrival of the inquiry;
    (v) the first line of the http request;
    (vi) http response code;
    (vii) the number of bytes sent by the server;
    (viii) url of the website previously visited by the User (so-called referer link) – in the case when the transition to the Website was made through a link;
    (ix) information about the User’s browser;
    (x) information on errors that occurred during the execution of the http transaction.
  2. The above-mentioned data are not used to identify specific people, except for Users.
  3. Files with logs are stored by LARS for an indefinite period of time as an auxiliary material used to administer the Website. LARS uses log files, including for statistical purposes, the generated statistics do not contain any features that identify the visitor to the Website.
  4. LARS in order to ensure the best functionality of the Website occasionally analyzes log files in order to determine which pages of the Website are visited by Users most often, which web browsers Users use most often or to determine and analyze possible errors of the Website.


  1. The website uses cookies (so-called cookies), but they are not used to obtain any information about Users or to track their navigation. The cookies used on the Website do not store any personal data or other information collected from Users.
  2. Our website sends cookies to web browsers, which then store them in the devices you use (computer, smartphone, smartwatch) or access information already stored. These types of files consist of strings of characters that are encoded information about the activity on our websites. They do not contain data to establish your identity. They are used to facilitate the use of websites. In particular, maintaining session continuity after logging into the client’s account, so you do not have to log in again on the subpages. In addition, remembering settings such as the page layout or the limitations of the surveys or advertisements that are displayed to you. And also, they allow us to create anonymous statistics of visits and better understand the way the websites operate, which allows them to constantly improve. We can also use cookies for marketing purposes.


  1. The administrator of personal data collected on the Website is LARS.
  2. The personal data processed by LARS are processed for the following purposes:
    a) administration of the Website;
    b) performance of the Service provided electronically, including in the scope of complaint proceedings.
  3. Any person whose personal data is processed by LARS has the right to:
    a) access to the content of their data and request to supplement, update or correct it;
    b) demand temporary or permanent suspension of personal data processing or deletion, if they are incomplete, out of date, untrue or have been collected in violation of applicable law or are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected;
    c) control of the processing of personal data by LARS;
    d) submitting a written, motivated objection to data processing in cases provided for by applicable law.
  4. The User may inform LARS about changes to personal data processed by LARS in writing to the following address: LARS Andrzej Szymański, ul. Świerkowa 14, 64-320 Niepruszewo or via e-mail to the following e-mail address: / contact form.
  5. LARS declares that it processes Users’ personal data in accordance with applicable laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland.


The website may contain links to other websites or social media plug-ins. LARS is not responsible for software, services, products, content or privacy practices, including the processing of personal data, which are binding on these websites or on social media. We recommend that after switching to other websites, the User should read the privacy policies set out there.

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