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Defining Success Across Generations declaration
The LARS Group has signed the Defining Success Across Generations declaration
We are proud to announce that as of April 27, 2020 the owners of the Lars Group have signed up as signatory-founders under the declaration of Defining Success Across Generations. Its goal is to build dynamic and goal-oriented enterprises and to create common well-being for all people on earth. Thus, our Group stood in line with the leading family businesses associated in the global association The Family Business Network closely cooperating with the United Nations (UN). Our goal is to meet ambitious socio-environmental goals (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs) as part of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. We believe that the values presented in the Agenda and the vision of a world of equal rights and freedoms and the pursuit of environmental neutrality begins in human heads. It cannot be achieved without a clear and binding declaration from companies and the private sector. At the same time, we hope that as pioneers, we will set a good example and impetus for deep change to other companies in Poland and abroad, which will allow us to give our children and grandchildren a better world than the one we have received from previous generations.
The history of the Lars Group is a constant pursuit of ecology. For over 50 years, we manufactured gas boilers, when coal was the leading fuel in communist Poland. We were pioneers introducing halogen lamps at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. We have created electronic regulators and a number of other devices to control heating systems in millions of homes in Europe, thereby reducing gas emissions and generating financial savings for our customers. Finally, we have once again entered the lighting revolution, leading the way in popularizing LED technology in Central and Eastern Europe. We are currently implementing the AURATON SMART intelligent building management system to further facilitate the use of houses and flats and to further optimize energy consumption with a positive impact on our planet.
Efficiency and reduction of negative human impact on the environment is our company’s DNA. Nevertheless, the rapid degradation of the Earth makes us go even further. Our previous activities focused on product innovation. Today we can see that we need to look wider. Eco-friendly innovations in the manufacturing processes themselves are also needed and much of our attention and investment will focus on this. Our teams are already working on a new waste management policy, aiming at zero waste generation. We are also conducting talks about supplying our industrial facilities with solar energy from photovoltaic tiles located directly on our buildings. We believe that the world needs change. We have already begun a march to a better tomorrow for our children and grandchildren.